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Latest news and posts

November 13, 2019
The Mexican Energy Reform brings new opportunities to Norway
September 14, 2020
The gender wage gap in Norway
May 13, 2021
Germany and Norway: Technology Synergy for the ocean industries
February 10, 2020
Norwegian solar energy panorama
February 10, 2020
Renewable energy financing trends
November 13, 2019
Upcoming energy transition – What can be expected from oil and gas activities?
November 14, 2019
The Aquaculture industry’s panorama
November 8, 2019
Addressing the challenges of testing technology in the oil and gas fields
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Latest news and posts

September 14, 2020
The gender wage gap in Norway
September 3, 2020
How large are the wealth differences between Norwegian men and women?
February 17, 2021
Tilfredshet og lærermangel i utdanningssektoren
February 10, 2020
Hydropower: A long history of development
May 13, 2021
SkatteFUNN, a tax deduction scheme for every player involved in R&D
October 13, 2018
Oil and gas in Norway – The years 2017-2018 in review
February 24, 2021
Nasjonale Prøver: Det første tegnet på at eleven trenger ekstra hjelp
February 19, 2021
Funksjonsnedsettelser og lærevansker i Norge
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February 10, 2020

Hydropower: A long history of development

Hydropower has a long track record in global power generation and it is a key technology used to fulfill energy demand. According to the International Hydropower […]
February 17, 2021

Tilfredshet og lærermangel i utdanningssektoren

  Tilfredshet og lærermangel i utdanningssektoren Utdanning er et globalt tema som berører alle aspekter av samfunnet. Om problemet er skoletilgang og frafall, kvaliteten på tjenester, […]
May 13, 2021

Germany and Norway: Technology Synergy for the ocean industries

A positive and evolving commercial relationship Germany and Norway have a historical relationship that has proven to be mutually beneficial throughout the years. Around 100 years […]
September 14, 2020

The gender wage gap in Norway

How large are income disparities by gender in Norway? Throughout the years, social movements have actively sought the equality of rights and opportunities between men and […]
September 3, 2020

How large are the wealth differences between Norwegian men and women?

The gender gap in capital and wealth in Norway In many areas, Norway has made great progress to achieve gender equality. Today, Norwegian girls and women […]
February 19, 2021

Funksjonsnedsettelser og lærevansker i Norge

  Funksjonsnedsettelser og lærevansker i Norge Funksjonsnedsettelser og lærevansker er avgjørende faktorer i barne- og ungdomsopplæringen. I Norge har 25% av studenter nedsatt funksjonsevne, ifølge Eurostudent […]
February 10, 2020

Norwegian solar energy panorama

The Norwegian solar energy industry continues in its early stages of growth. Despite having several examples of big companies participating in solar projects in countries like […]
November 14, 2019

Argentina & Norway’s take on fishing

Recently, the National Aquaculture Project was signed between the Argentinian Agroindustry Ministry and Norway. The agreement came to be from the work of the ministry along […]


November 14, 2019

The Aquaculture industry’s panorama

Global fish production will continue to expand in the future. Even when the amount of fish being captured in the wild has leveled off —mainly because […]
February 10, 2020

Hydropower: A long history of development

Hydropower has a long track record in global power generation and it is a key technology used to fulfill energy demand. According to the International Hydropower […]
November 13, 2019

Fishbones – Global well stimulation with norwegian technology

Q: Could you briefly tell us about the history of Fishbones and its involvement with the oil and gas sector?   A: The inventor Rune Freyer […]
November 13, 2019

Upcoming energy transition – What can be expected from oil and gas activities?

Even though 2017 was a year full of challenges for the oil and gas sector, the industry has focused strongly on developing cost-reduction strategies and on […]
November 13, 2019

Embracing change with AGR to save costs

In recent years, the oil and gas sector has faced one of the most challenging situations due to the drop of oil prices. In particular, the […]
February 24, 2021

Nasjonale Prøver: Det første tegnet på at eleven trenger ekstra hjelp

  Resultater fra Nasjonale prøver: det første tegnet på at eleven trenger ekstra hjelp I Norge er viktige fag for barn i grunnskole matematikk, engelsk, vitenskap, […]
March 24, 2021

Gjennomsnitte karakterer i ungdomsskole; prestasjoner til gutter og jenter

Gjennomsnitte karakterer i ungdomsskole; prestasjoner til gutter og jenter   En av de viktigeste måtene å vurdere fremdriften og prestasjoner til barn i ungdomsskole er karakterer. […]
November 13, 2019

The Mexican Energy Reform brings new opportunities to Norway

As the Norwegian oil and gas market matures, the need to find promising markets to perform operations is increasingly important. It is necessary for companies to […]
